From "Right of Property" to "Property Rights": A Comparative Review of the Evolution of the Notion of Property Rights

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran,

2 Ph.D student in Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran


During the history, the notion of property rights has been changed in legal systems, and different perspectives towards it have been emerged that we can classify these perspectives towards property rights into common and new ones. In this paper, these two perspectives have been studied in order to present a clearer conceptualization of property rights and it has been tried to compare and discuss the current perspectives in statute and comparative law, and the strengths and shortcomings of these perspectives were clarified. Finally, based on the analytical discussion, conclusions were made. Also the perspective that seemed to be realistic and had a scientific and logical justification was introduced to the reader and strengthened.


  1. الف- فارسی و عربی:

    1-   ابن ادریس حلی، (1410 ه. ق) السرائر، قم، مؤسسة النشر الإسلامی.

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    5-   شیخ محمد حسن نجفی (1365 ه. ش)، جواهر الکلام فی شرح شرائع الاسلام، تهران، دارالکتب الإسلامیة.

    6-   علامه حلی، (1413 ه. ق) قواعد الاحکام، چاپ اول، قم، مؤسسة النشر الإسلامی.

    7-   کاتوزیان، ناصر، (1378) حقوق مدنی، اموال و مالکیت، چاپ سوم، تهران، نشر دادگستر- نشر میزان.

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