Electronic animals; comparative investigation on the possibility of using ‎the framework of animal responsibility toward artificial intelligence in ‎Iran and U.S.‎

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Private Law, Department of Law, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, ‎Iran

2 Department of Law, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran



In the near future, artificial intelligence (AI) will bring about transformations in fields such as economics, medicine, engineering, and more. Despite the remarkable services AI provides for humans, it will also cause damages. Since the development of AI is recognized as a necessity, legal systems must ensure that AI neither leads to catastrophic damages nor leaves victims uncompensated in case of harm. Thus, identifying the nature of AI and, consequently, establishing an appropriate liability system is essential, though it presents numerous challenges. The unique characteristics of AI, such as autonomous decision-making and learning, make its nature both complex and ambiguous. This article examines the possibility of applying the rules governing animal liability to AI, given the functional and inherent similarities between AI and animals. A comparative and descriptive-analytical study of Iranian and American law indicates that the rules of animal liability can also be applied to AI; however, this theory is not without its flaws.


Main Subjects

  1. الف) فارسی

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