‎ “Mandatory registration” for the Transfers subject to the “Exceptional ‎Effect” of the Land Registration in the light of “the Relative Effect” of ‎the registration

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Private & Islamic Law, Faculty of Law & Political Science, University of Tehran, ‎Tehran, Iran‎

2 Department of Private Law, Farabi College, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran‎


The " Booking Principle " as the link between "registration" and "validity” or opposability of land transactions" is one of the fundamental principles of the land registration systems that have been subject to exceptions, such as transfers based on inheritance, in the most registration systems, including Iran and raises questions; including what types of transfers are usually subject to the exceptional effect of land registration; what are the justifications for considering a transfer as the exceptional effect of the land registration; what is the function of the land registration system in relation to transfers subject to the exceptional effect and according to the expected function, how the beneficiaries of such transfers are led to register them. The present study, with a comparative-analytical method, first identifies the examples of transfers subject to exceptional effect in the land registration systems; And by examining the justifications of "acquisition based on the adverse possession", "transfer based on the inheritance" and "transfer based on the court decision" as the three main examples of these transfers - the latter two examples are also present in Iranian legal system – considers "supporting possession based on Labor Theory", "inheritance as a constitutional rule related to the public order" and "the necessity of not denying legal situations resulting from law and judicial decisions" as the most important bases for considering these examples in the realm of the exceptional effect of the land registration, regarding them, the registration system has the declaratory function. In this regard, to encourage the beneficiaries to register transfers subject to the exceptional effect,  the general solution of "relative effect of registration" is proposed; Although it is not clarified in the Iranian legal system, but adherence to it can be observed in the jurisprudence and some circulars according to the principles of registration.


Main Subjects

  1. الف) فارسی

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