‎“Status” of Legal Entities and its Effect on the Validity of “National ID”‎

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Private Law, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran‎

2 Department of Private Law, University of Tehran Tehran, Iran‎

3 Department of Private Law, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of Private Law, Farabi College University of Tehran, Qom, Iran.‎


The status as a quality that the legal system of any country has determined for a legal entity is one of the important issues for monitoring legal entities. In this regard, the existence of an integrated system of "monitoring and identification of legal entities" in Iran and the international system is one of the mechanisms that have been put forward in order to solve the aforementioned challenge and promote transparency, increase awareness and gain public trust. In such a system, although the existence and scope of the legal entity's competence can be identified by third parties; But legal entities, like any other legal phenomenon, do not always have a fixed "legal status" and may undergo changes after they are created. In the process of monitoring and identification of legal entities, the distinction between the status of legal entity and the status of ID has been considered due to the effective relationship between the two, both in Iran and in the Global Legal Entities Identifier System(GLIES); And he has raised the question of what effect the change in the "legal status" of legal entities will have on their "validity of ID". The current research is in the light of a comparative study between Iran's national ID system and Global Legal Entities Identifier Foundation (GLIEF) using desk study in the method of information collection and descriptive-analytical research method, has explained types of relationship between the status of a legal entity and the status of the national ID in the current system of Iran - based on the type of influence that the status in the first sense has on the status in the second sense. Then, in the context of the principles governing the legal entities ID system, has criticized each of the existing categories in terms of the type of influence and has provided solutions to solve the challenges of the national ID system.


Main Subjects

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