Judicial review over the Decisions in the area of regulation ‎of historical environments in England legal system, A good ‎model for Iran's legal system

Document Type : Research Paper


law favulty


In England, although the initial regulation of cultural heritage laws and the approach to the protection of historical environments was due to the legal order, But over time, the role of the common law has become more colorful through the judicial review over the administrative decisions of the cultural heritage authorities and the regulation and protection of historical environments. In this regard, the jurisdiction of the first hearing regarding the administrative decisions of the historical environment protection authorities belongs to the planning court as a special court in the field of historical environment planning, and then the decisions of this court can be challenged in the appeals court and Finally, in the English Supreme Court. In this article, by studying the normative order and judicial procedure of England with a descriptive-analytical method, we conclude that what makes the British judicial system stand out in the field of judicial supervision of administrative decisions in the field of regulating historical environments is that First, identifying the interest of the general public in the possibility of filing a lawsuit against the regulatory bodies And the special consideration of the planning courts of historical environments and then the judges' attention to the principle of public interest in preserving the cultural heritage and historical environments through judicial review.


Main Subjects

  1. English

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