Termination condition in the new French civil law and the ‎legal and judicial restrictions on its application from the ‎perspective of Iranian law

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Private law University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France. ‎


The fulfillment of contractual obligations has always been considered by the legislators and the parties to the contract as a principle that helps to strengthen the contracts. The legislator has envisaged various solutions for the compulsory execution of the contract, and the parties, having such concerns, have been in a position to meet the conditions of the contract, such as the condition of termination or conditional termination of the contract on non-fulfillment of obligations, including have been. The basic nature of the dissolution condition is based on the non-performance of the contract. In recent French legal amendments and line with other EU laws and regulations, the termination clause, which was previously recognized by jurisprudence and doctrine, has entered the legal field. There is a legal gap in Iranian law in this regard because the Civil Code in Article 264 does not mention it as one of the causes of the fall of the obligation, in addition, jurisprudence does not have a clear statement in accepting this legal concept. It seems that according to the general legal and jurisprudential principles, the condition of dissolution is acceptable. But this power must be given to the judge as a measure of the condition of an unjust termination so that contractual justice is not jeopardized.


Main Subjects

  1. English

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