Comparative Study of the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Court Judgments in The Hague Convention Judgments 2019 and Iranian Law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Mazandaran, Mazandaran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in Private Law, University of Mazandaran, Mazandaran, Iran


One of the topics of private international law, which is constantly increasing in importance due to the development of political and economic relations between countries at the international level, is the need to identify and enforce judgments issued by foreign courts. The Hague Conference on Private International Law has adopted The Hague Convention 2019 to standardize the rules governing the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. In Iranian law, the conditions for recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments are stated in the Civil Judgments Execution Law. However, harmonizing the rules on the issue with international standards can promote effective access to justice, trade facilitation, and cross-border investment. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the possibility, necessity, and effects of the adoption of the 2019 Hague Convention Judgments in Iranian law, considering the similarities and differences between the two in terms of territory, conditions, and obstacles to identifying and enforcing foreign Judgments. By combining the two, take a step towards the legal development of the country. Studies have shown that the flexibility of the rules and regulations of the Convention has facilitated Iran's accession to the Convention, and the political and economic effects of accession to the Convention have necessitated its ratification in Iran. There are many similarities between the two in terms of conditions and aspects of refusing to recognize and enforce foreign judgments.


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