From the Universal Human Rights Treaty-Based Institutions to the Human Rights Council: Comparative Study and Necessity of Consolidation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty Member of the Institution for Research and Development in the Humanities (SAMT), Iran

2 L.L.M Student of Human Rights Law, Mazandaran University, Iran


Due to the great importance of human rights and its direct relationship with maintaining international peace and security, treaty institutions have emerged to monitor and control the implementation of human rights treaty standards. Such bodies are committees that act as monitoring bodies for universal human rights treaties. So far, 10 committees have been established in this way in the UN system. The committees, which form their main activities in this field through the State reporting system, have so far had significant effects on the implementation of human rights and the reform of national laws. Despite all the positive achievements of these institutions, there is a negative reality in this system; the system has never been carefully and coherently planned. Such incoherence and planning have led to many negative consequences, including financial problems, lack of staff and, insufficient effectiveness. The purpose of this article is to examine the various ideas and solutions to solve the problem of incoherence and waste of resources by asking whether it is time to consolidate these institutions in the Human Rights Council to solve the problems.


  1. الف) فارسی

    - کتاب‏ها

    1. میرعباسی، سیدباقر و میرعباسی، رزی (1396). نظام جهانی ارزیابی و حمایت از حقوق بشر، ج. 1، تهران: جنگل.
    2. قاری سید فاطمی، سید محمد (1398). حقوق بشر معاصر، دفتر اول، تهران: نگاه معاصر.


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    - Websites

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