The commencing age of criminal responsibility and its diversity in countries around the world

Document Type : Research Paper


1 assistance professor

2 AS

3 st phd


The result of international revolutions in recent centuries in the field of different legal systems is the determination of a definite and legal age for “the minimum criminal responsibility age” and also the “maturation age”. The studies conducted in the present article indicate that there is no decisive and clear-cut reasoning behind why the age of 18 years old is considered as the age of adulthood (the age of full criminal responsibility). The consensus between legal experts emphasizes this point that it has to be tried to increase the full criminal responsibility age in various countries to the highest extent possible; since this situation would be much more consistent with the world legal realities, the decision-making system of an individual and the responsibility for controlling personality anger. Of course, a process is forming recently in this field that signifies the public opinions endeavor to maximally increase the age of commencing criminal responsibility. This process is based on the needs and the various inferences from growth psychology and cognitive sciences, the religious norms and traditions, and the universal regulations requirements.


Main Subjects

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    ج) سایت‌های تخصصی

    7. http://www.comunidadesegura/? q=en/node/33165>.2018/02/06
    10. >.2018/02/06