Analyzing transitions of law governing product responsibility

Document Type : Research Paper



One of the important issues of contemporary law is the transition of the product responsibility law, since the law of product liability have, over time, evolved in the light of its goals. Therefore, when it was intended to compensate the losses caused by defective goods and consumer protection, contract law was recognized as appropriate. Over time, the inefficiency of contract law in consumer protection was clarified, and liability based on defect or strict liability with some defensive rights for the manufacturer was proposed. But these rules could only cover consumer compensation. Also, developments in the field of power in public law and the impact of economic power on the authority of national sovereignty led to the aim of protecting national interests in the subject of production. Thus, the legal rules of product liability have been developed in the structure of market law to cover all legal goals.
Key words: contract law, strict liability, manufacturer's right to defense, market law


Main Subjects

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