An Introduction to the Notion of Administrative Police in Iran, with a Comparative Approach to the French Law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty Member of Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Candidate of Public Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


The administrative police as a function for securing public order is a French notion which provides fundamental conditions for excercising rights and freedoms.  The dualism of public order and the existence of general public order and special public order results in the dualism of administrative police. Hence, both general and special police have been developed. In order to secure public order the administrative police inevitably limits the freedoms, a fact that shows the importance of restricting police authorities so that they can be easily monitored. Coming into existence of special polices which aim at arrangements for right-claims is another step towards more legitimate freedoms since these polices are obliged to follow certain procedures. The article is intended to recognize the notion of administrative police by reffering to its similar concept, namely, judicial police, and seeks to clarify the necessity of distinction between police authority and police agent as well as administrative police and judicial police.


Main Subjects

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