A review of the doctrine of reasonable reliance

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Qom University, Qom, Iran


According to Common Law Rules of England, obligation by one party is enforceable when the other has provided a consideration or the contract has been put in a deed. In some common law jurisdictions, such as Australia, Canada and the United States, another doctrine, named Reasonable Reliance, has developed, which could act as surrogate for the doctrine of consideration. English courts, however, have not been prepared to accept such function for this doctrine. According to the doctrine, act of one party when it has been relied by the other, may give rise to an obligation on the first party. This doctrine has been criticized in Common Law countries and may be criticized from the Iranian law viewpoint. However, it has many points in common with some rules in Islamic jurisprudence and Iranian law, and review of this doctrine could prepare a suitable ground for the comparison between Common Law and Islamic jurisprudence and Iranian law in a small part of the law of obligations.


Main Subjects

  1. الف) فارسی و عربی

    1. امامى، سید حسن (1389)، حقوق مدنى، ج1، تهران: انتشارات اسلامیة.
    2. انصارى‌، مرتضى (1415)، کتاب المکاسب، ج6، قم: کنگره شیخ انصارى‌.
    3. تنک، آندره (1374)، حقوق ایالات متحده آمریکا، ترجمۀ سیدحسین صفائی، تهران: دانشگاه تهران.
    4. حلّى، محمد بن منصور (ابن ادریس) (1410)، السرائر، ج2، قم: دفتر انتشارات اسلامى.
    5. شهیدی، مهدی (1380)، تشکیل قراردادها و تعهدات، تهران: مجد.
    6. شهیدی، مهدی (1383)، آثار قراردادها و تعهدات، تهران: مجد.
    7. عاملى، زین الدین (شهید ثانى) (1410)، الروضة البهیة، ج4، قم: کتابفروشى داورى.‌
    8. کاتوزیان، ناصر (1371)، قواعد عمومی قراردادها، ج2، تهران: شرکت سهامی انتشار.
    9. کاتوزیان، ناصر (1380)، قواعد عمومی قراردادها، ج4، تهران: شرکت سهامی انتشار.
    10. کاتوزیان، ناصر (1389)، عقود معین، ج4، تهران: شرکت سهامی انتشار.
    11. گلپایگانى، سیدمحمدرضا (1409 الف)، مجمع المسائل، ج2، قم: دار القرآن الکریم‌.
    12. گلپایگانى، سید محمدرضا (1409 ب)، مجمع المسائل، ج3، قم: دارالقرآن الکریم‌.

    ب) انگلیسی

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    5. Golding, Martin P. and William A. Edmundson, (2005), Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, Blackwell Publishing Ltd
    6. Hogg, Martin, (2011), Promises and Contract Law, Comparative Perspectives, Cambridge University Press


    1. Jackson, Craig Leonard, (1998) “Traditional Contract Theory: Old and New Attacks and Old and New Defenses”, New England Law Revew, Vol. 33:1, available at:
    2. Kronman, Anthony Townsend, (1981), “Book Review: Contract as Promise” Faculty Scholarship Series. Paper 1067. available at: http://digitalcommons.law.yale.edu/fss_papers/1067
    3. McKendrick, Ewan, (2000), Contract Law, Palgrave
    4. Smith, Adam,Lectureson Jurisprudence, Oxford University Press, 1978
    5. Stone, Richard, The Modern Law of Contract, (2009), Routledge-Cavendish