A survey of criterion of gravity threshold for prosecution of crimes in international criminal court

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Tarbiat Modares University, Faculty of Criminal Law and Criminology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Candidate of Criminal Law and Criminology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


One of the issues that has gained a good place in considerations of the office of the prosecution and international criminal court is the gravity threshold set out in paragraph 1(d) of article 17 of statute. This concept from the time of being inserted in statute has some challenges such as lack of definition in statute, lack of criterion for satisfaction of this concept. Given to the fact that gravity threshold is one part of admissibility mechanism, these ambiguities can disturb the legitimacy and function of international criminal court as the first permanent international criminal court. Hence, the current paper aims to to clarify this significant concept. Moreover, the gravity threshold criteria and the role of this concept in situation and cases also have been analyzed. Finally, it is concluded that due to political considerations, the clarification of gravity threshold is seriously needed.


Main Subjects

  1. الف) فارسی

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    2. شبث،‌ ویلیام‌ ا.(1384)، مقدمه‌ای‌ بر دیوان‌ کیفری‌ بین‌المللی، ترجمۀ سید باقر میرعباسی‌ و حمید الهوئی‌ نظری‌، تهران، انتشارات مجد.
    3. صابر، محمود (1388)، آیین دادسی دیوان کیفری بین‌المللی، تهران، انتشارات دادگستر.
    4. 4.        کیتیچایساری، کریانگ(1387)، حقوق کیفری بین‌المللی، ترجمۀ حسین آقایی جنت مکان، تهران، انتشارات جنگل،
    5. مظاهری، امیرمسعود (89-1388)، پایان‌نامۀ دکتری اصل صلاحیت تکمیلی دیوان کیفری بین‌المللی و اعمال آن در موارد ناتوانی و عدم تمایل دولت،، دانشگاه تهران.

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