Parallel Litigation in International Proceedings

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor at University of Guilan, Guilan,Iran


In an international connection which different factors of legal relation were spread in different countries, bringing of several actions with the same object in different countries court was completely probable. Each party with various reasons seeks litigation in a court which provides their interest in better way. However parallel litigation in it he same object impose burdensome charges on litigant’s parties and judiciary systems and will cause an impediment for recognition of foreign judgments. Profound difference legal systems and direct relation of jurisdiction issue with sovereignty rights of states is an impediment for existence of uniform and worldwide resolution for settlement of parallel litigation problem. In some way that many of treaties and model laws merely have been satisfied with defective integration and cause a kind of mediation between rules of major legal systems.


Main Subjects

الف) فارسی
1. پوراستاد، مجید (1387)، اصول و قواعد آیین دادرسی مدنی فراملی، مؤسسۀ مطالعات و پژوهشهای حقوقی شهردانش.
2. سلجوقی، محمود (1385)، حقوق بین‌الملل خصوصی، جلددوم، چاپ سوم، نشرمیزان.
3. شمس، عبدالله (1381)، آیین دادرسی مدنی، جلد اول، چاپ سوم، نشر میزان.
4. غمامی، مجید و محسنی، حسن (1390)، آیین دادرسی مدنی فراملی، چاپ اول، شرکت سهامی انتشار.
5. مقصودی، رضا (1389)، شروط صلاحیت درحقوق بین‌الملل خصوصی، پژوهشنامۀ حقوقی، سال اول، شمارۀ دوم، ص163-143
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