Distinction between properties of public entities in French Law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in Faculty of Law in Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD candidate in Public Law, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


In the French Law, the properties of public entities and at the head of them, the properties of state are divided into public domain of public entities and private domain of public entities. The criterion of distinguishing of public properties of public entities is a procedural matter that has been taken from French Doctrine, however the recent law of public entities ownership passed in 2006 has arrived these criteria in the legal texts. There principles of public ownership, and use and preparation enter a property into public properties of public entities. The state is in the top position in these properties, so the governing rules of them are administrative and their competent courts are administrative courts. But in the case of private domain of public entities, the administration is equal with ordinary persons; therefore the rules of private law and judicial courts govern it.


Main Subjects

  1. الف) فارسی:

    1. امامی، م و استوار سنگری،ک (1388)، حقوق اداری، تهران: میزان.
    2. مؤتمنی،، م ط، (1390)، حقوق اداری، تهران: سمت.


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