Unfair competition in the form of denigratinge the competitor in Iranian and French law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. Law, Department of Law, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Law, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


One example of unfair competition is competition through discrediting a competitor. French doctrine and precedent has been accepted and it has explained this legal entity. But the richness of the Iranian legal literature on this subject is not enough. Therefore, in this paper a review of unfair competition, while explaining the concept and its variants, and based on the analysis of the resulting liability is addressed. In French law, it is necessary to realize discredit, being dismissive of rival publications, as well as the possibility of identifying who is denigrate for the audience. But the accuracy of these statements is not important. In the French legal system, liability caused by discrediting a competitor is based on fault. The Iranian legal system is the same, but the liability can be established based on the principle of sans fault. It is evident that selection of base has influence on the terms and scope of responsibility.


Main Subjects

  1. الف) فارسی و عربی

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    11. کاتوزیان، ناصر (1378)، الزام‌های خارج از قرارداد، ضمان قهری، ج1، چ2، تهران: مؤسسه انتشارات و چاپ دانشگاه تهران.
    12. محقق داماد، مصطفی (1378)، قواعد فقه مدنی ، ج1، چ7، تهران: مرکز نشر علوم اسلامی.
    13. مصطفوی، سید محمد کاظم (1417)، مائة قاعدة فقهیة، چ3، قم: مؤسسه نشر اسلامی.
    14. موسوی بجنوردی، سید حسن (1419)، القواعد الفقهیه، ج1، چ1، قم: نشر الهادی.
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