Enforcement of accused arrest warrant in Iranian law, along with having a look at English law (According to Iranian Law of Criminal Procedure, 1392)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Law Department, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

2 MSc., Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran


After ordering the accused arrest on warrant, its implementation requires compliance with the conditions. In Iran, enforcement the arrest on warrant by the court officers takes place in the judicial area of the prosecution or Court of Justice, but, in England, the entire territory of the country is in place that may catch the accused by policeman. Iranian General Officers in justice alone often arrest the accused, citizens can also help the officers in arresting the accused, but England's citizens have the power to arrest separately. In England, after following the accused, if he enters into a private place, the police is allowed to enter that palce, but in Iranian law, it is required by law or judicial authorities order. In Iran, use of weapons by the judicial officers for arresting the accused is limited, but inEngland, the police could use the weapons freely.


Main Subjects

الف) فارسی
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